
Good Heart

Does not matter if you have style, reputation or money ... if you don't have a good heart...
You are nothing...

Happy Holi

May you have the most blessed holi festival than you ever had.
May it be full of fun,joy and love.
May you be as colorful as the festival itself or even more.
Lets all have lots of fun.

I love you

The world becomes a better place
When love is the key word
And you know I love you


My life was so simple......
And meaningless....
Until i found you..

Love doesn’t need a reason.

Love doesn’t need a reason.
Pure love will come from the heart without reason and it’ll stay every season. heart emoticon.

Much We Can Love

When a child is born
Knows no fear or joy
Knows no hate or love
When a child is born
Its breath takes our breath
The little form
Fills up the most space in our hearts
We are enchanted by the presence
Of someone new into our life
Helping a child to grow
The importance of teaching
What they need to know
Leading with example
Of how much we can love


Love can not be locked inside
If you open your heart

Rose for You

What a lovely thing a rose is!     --

 Arthur Conan Doyle


Love can cross borders 
And love can break walls
Love can unbind us 
Love can see 
What our eyes can’t undo

My Love for You

Be gentle but strong
Love can move mountains 
The sky can be full of clouds
The sun always finds a way to shine
As sure as the night follows day
My love for you grows everyday

Beautiful Girls

A beautiful woman delights the eye; a wise woman, the understanding; a pure one, the soul.